I've found when I use Stack Overflow, some of the most useful posts I've found through Google searches are typically closed for a variety of reasons.
I did a quick survey of popular questions:
- Is There A Good Natural Language Processing Library - closed as not constructive - 20k views
- Auto-update library for .NET? - closed as off-topic - 30k+ views
- What Is Object Serialization - closed as too broad - 54k+ views
- Container Class / Library for C - closed as off topic - 20k+ views
- JSF implementations and component libraries - closed as not constructive - 16k+ views
- Can Somebody Explain jquery Queue To Me - closed as too broad - 50k+ views
- When Do You Use The this Keyword - closed as not constructive - 35k+ views
- Auto-Detect Mobile Browser Via User Agent - closed as too broad - 228k+ views
Please note: I don't post the above links so the community can nit-pick and rehash old decisions. I just want to give a sample of the type of post I have questions about.