This SO question: Too many 'if' statements?
Currently closed as off-topic:
This question appears to be off-topic because it is about improving the cleanliness of existing working code. Code Review is where this question belongs. This is exactly what Code Review is about. – Simon André Forsberg
I agree the question fits Code Review, but does that make it off-topic on Stack Overflow specifically? There are literally hundreds of votes and thousands of views on the question and its answers so apparently also the SO community has found it useful and appropriate. Just closing it serves neither Stack Overflow nor Code Review communities.
I am thinking of either:
Reopen: allow further answers and more visibility.
Migrate: move to more appropriate SE site.
Yes, I have personal interest there as I've posted the most upvoted answer. I voted to reopen once when the question was closed as too broad - now seeking more feedback from the community.
the following code does work how I need it to, but it's ugly, excessive or a number of other things
, which makes it a textbook candidate for migration to code review indeed. I'll add my own flag, we'll see what comes out of it.