I think that the means to deal with the person is to be polite since in years time the person may help you; whereas if you simply say "bad question, deleted, get lost, goto this site" then they may never come back.
The so-called "correct Solution" is to direct them to https://stackoverflow.com/help/on-topic and https://stackoverflow.com/help/dont-ask -- to assist them in making an "On Topic Question" and to help them avoid asking questions that are unwanted. RTFaq, man.
The reason that Solution is "correct" is because that is the Rules here. IF this is THE Thread for "Protesting the Rules" (and not labeled as such) then there is a problem with the Title of this Question.
Persons with enough Rep. can have a [Button] in the 'Comment Area' that when clicked performs an automatic action (runs a Server Script). 'The Button' can produce a Comment and the person can be asked to delete their own question once they have read the (temporary) 'answer', such questions not read and deleted by the OP can be scheduled for deletion (in a week or two).
Then the person can delete their 'bad question' and correctly formulate a 'good question' that does INDEED contribute to StackOverflow rather than being shushed away and WE lose the possibility of a 'good question' and more importantly both a great answer and a future Contributor.
Why did I join SO ?
I had a few questions recently, but I did not need to ask anyone specifically -- I just typed the question into a Search Engine and boom, 10,000's of answers.
Fine by me. I can usually tell when the answer is helpful and often find the Snippet of Code that I am looking for by using the correct words. I know what I am doing (both Programming and using SEs) so I choose words that trigger the SE to produce the results that I want.
I know how to formulate a 'good question' for the Search Engine, so it gives me a 'good answer' (when there is one to be found).
Sometimes I need to do one or more Searches just to get enough words, to cobble them together, to form a Search Term that WILL produce the answer that I want.
Recently I noticed that more often than not StackOverflow had an answer come up and that some of the time it was helpful. By having someone else ask the Question, and someone else answer it, I was able to find what I wanted by using the Search Engines,
I was able to get my answer without having to ask "someONE" (I asked "someTHING", the Computer).
So for the help provided me by the StackOverflow Community, without me even having to post one question, I decided I would join and attempt to help also.
And that is the reason to have an "Easy Button" (for the Mods) that prods the person to a correct course of action (ask a 'better question' by doing this) so they can write great questions and we can see those wonderful answers.
The "Baby and Bathwater Solution" saves a LOT on Diapers but then they won't mow your lawn later on (when your old), and the rest of us with Riding Mowers don't have the fun of watching.
, read the help-centre on programmers.SE before re-directing people there.[discussion]
or to keep it open for further contributions?