Judging by the regex on Shog9's answer to Allow "question" in title if enclosed in quotation marks, the issue is two-fold: You've got a short title with "error" in it.
That's it. I'm a little rusty on my regex, but this seems straightforward, so let me try to break it down a hair:
^(?=.{0,40}$)(?=.*\b(question(?!\s+mark)|doubt|problem|working|work|app|error|website|(?<!(visual studio|vs|exit)\s+)code|my)\b).+
So the first part:
Looks to see if the string is 40 characters long. ^
looks for the start of string, $
looks for the end, and .{0,40}
looks for any character up to forty characters.
If the string is longer than 40 characters, the regex will fail to match right here.
If not, we move on to the next bit:
(?=.*\b(question(?!\s+mark)|doubt|problem|working|work|app|error|website|(?<!(visual studio|vs|exit)\s+)code|my)\b)
This is a bit long, but it's looking for something specific: Any of those words at any point in the string. It's a look around just to see if it exists. It's not actually part of the capture, just part of the match. As of September 11th, it actively excludes Visual Studio code, VS code, and exit code.
The last part is what, I presume, is grabbing the title to throw to the error message.
While the error message is not descriptive, this does explain why my suggested title with my suggested edit works, while your attempts do not, though they all contain "error": My suggested title is more descriptive and therefore longer.
That's it. Keep in mind this is supposed to encourage more descriptive titles, and the ones you've suggested.... Really aren't. They're very generic. All I know going in is that something's expecting an array and getting a map, which is throwing an error. Why is this error unexpected? What's unusual about it? Why not just give whatever a map instead of an array?
Meanwhile, the one I suggested, both in my conflicted edit and my newest suggestion on that question:
Received error about getting “array” and expecting “map” while my yaml seems right
This (tries to, at least, not my area of expertise) explains why it's weird: The yaml seems to be right, so it shouldn't get an error. Everything looks to be correct, passing the correct things... So the OP doesn't understand why it's wrong.
This also, upon further investigation (as in just checking string length) explains how the original title was able to get through: It's 50 characters.
Getting error: Got array, expected map
and it gets rejected, too.