Today I was surprised (next time) when I tried to remove a Tag from a title - I got an exception You cannot do it - question with the same title exists. (Yeah something similar, but the meaning stays the same).
And I think - from one side it is said that Questions shouldn't include Tags in their title and good question means short, understandible title. As my experience shows - the OP can be 'forced' to include the Tag, because the SO won't accept the question with short title as it already exists.
SO every day is getting more and more questions and simple, short titles are runnig out.
Can something be done with that limitation? I know that I can just add some spaces after the title and it will be accepted, but of course after some time Titles with additional spaces will also run out... ;)
Here - is an example of a question I've edited just before this post - I couldn't add simple title Animation not working, I had to add a space.