I am attempting to ask a question about what the replacement mechanism is for Apple's now-deprecated System Settings bundles for tvOS applications. In doing so, I had a bit of difficulty coming up with a title that was acceptable.
Some examples:
I suspect that the phrase "system settings" is often used in titles of off-topic questions and we're trying to avoid creating more of those. It wasn't until the 3rd one that I received a pop-up explaining that. Regardless, "System Settings" is the name Apple gives (or possibly gave - I still haven't found an answer) to the place where applications are supposed to put additional settings for the user to change. It's sometimes called "System Preferences".
It eventually accepted "Additional settings to display in System Settings." It took me about 5-6 tries to come up with that. What do we expect users to do when the question they're asking requires a phrase that has previously caused questions to get downvoted?