Bounty questions: some people love them, most people hate them. Personally, I love bounty hunting on the ios and swift tags. But I've started to notice a pattern with low and medium rep users: many are attracted by the idea of quick rep gain and post low quality, link-only answers.
Exhibit A:
This is the epitome of a link-only answer, and it makes me sad to se even a 500+ rep user quickly post a link to a library or GitHub project in an attempt to win the bounty.
Exhibit B:
In an attempt to clean up iOS LinkedIn API questions, a bounty was placed on a low-quality question to attract a canonical response. This then attracted a bunch of link-only answers while I was writing a canonical:
I understand 15k+ users can protect questions as they see fit, and questions are automatically protected after a certain number of answer from low rep users are deleted, but does the community think with the additional attention bounty questions get that an additional layer of protection should be added to them? How can we discourage (or even prevent) low quality answers to bounty questions?