This question (How do I create an infinite loop?) has a whopping 500 Point Bounty on it. The question is, as you may have guessed, exactly that - the user has no idea what an infinite loop is.
It even appears to be a homework question.
It's extremely low quality and should be closed, but obviously cannot because it has an open bounty.
The user that placed the bounty doesn't even seem to care.
are you the bounty police now? why do you care? my rep is my rep to do with what I wish.
I'm not here to ask something be done to the question. I'm here to ask something be done to Stack Overflow.
These questions should be closed and disregarded as incredibly low quality. By adding a bounty on it, it's encouraging new users that these are OK questions that will get them lots of reputation.
Aside from the bounty, keeping them open to begin with is doing the same.
Please, could we discuss a way to circumvent such things? Such as removing the abused non-closable open bounty constraint on questions?
This is getting out of hand.