If I notice many Low Quality Answers from one single user, what is recommended practice for me to handle those if:
- all answers are from one single user
- all answers are old (2011-12-13)
- some of the answers are up-voted (but NOT highly up-voted; max 5 votes)
- some of the answers are accepted
- each answer belong to different questions
Following is what I can think of:
- One way I can think of is to flag them as NAA if it is link-only. Many answers are like "Refer this link" type. But, NAA is not valid flag for one-liner-no-code type answers. Some answers are actually comments asking "Are you sure .....?".
- Other way I can think of is to flag one of them for moderator attention and include list of others.
- Down-vote. I am afraid this may be considered as serial down-voting which is not my intention. Also, single down-vote still do not affect the post in any realistic way; specially very old posts.
- Comment asking to improve answer. Same as down-vote; it do not affect the post in any realistic way specially if it is old. Also, user is with good sum of reputation and I am sure he/she know very well about quality of answers. Such comments are helpful for new users; I am not sure if high reputation user need (or even read) them.
- Should I involve SOCVR?
- Do nothing; it happens so....leave it
- Anything else?
I refer this meta post which discusses about similar issue. But, all answers belong to same question there. Also, answers there are highly up-voted and are from different users.
This meta post provides much broader view. I am worried here because the answers are from same user.
Some background: I accidentally noticed one link-only answer of user and flagged it NAA and moved on with my work. As I was reading/searching/googling for same topic, I came across other link-only answer of same user; and I did same as earlier. When I noticed similar answer third time from same user, I searched for "all answers from [this] user with tag [this]" in SO and noticed that there are so many of this kind.
I must mention the user have very good understanding of technology (tag) and many of his/her answers are very good quality. Some of them helped me as well.
I choose way 1 for all link only answers and way 2 for other Low Quality Answers.
Was my decision correct? Is there a scope to improve this? Is there other better way which may save my (as well as others) efforts?