In general, assess each answer in the context of the question for which it is provided.
Whether distinct questions may have the same answer doesn't necessarily indicate that those questions are duplicates, and there's nothing wrong with a user providing what looks like "duplicate answers" to such non-duplicate questions, as long as those answers actually are a reasonable attempt at answering these questions.
It's hard to assess this particular case, since you haven't provided any link to the examples you have in mind. It also depends on the number of occurrences.
Where the answer is on topic for the question, leave it be (and who knows, you might even upvote some of those answers if you think they're good answers for that question).
It's only really a problem if the answers are quite off the mark and only very loosely related to the questions. The usual reasons to downvote of course apply in this case. If there's more than a few instances of these, it's worth flagging them.
If there's a mixed bag of these two types of cases, it can be tricky to indicate to the moderators which ones you think are appropriate, and which ones you think are not.
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