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Unanswered Questions

4,632 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
3 votes
0 answers

"No migration allowed after 60 days so we delete instead" policy

It was requested that migration of questions to other StackExchange sites be forbidden after 60 days due to some issues it causes with regards to points/reputation, and it appears that this was then ...
-2 votes
0 answers

Unity Engine Networking doesn't count as "programming or software development problem"?

I have a question about my Stack Overflow post: Unity Mirror can't connect to WAN, LAN and port-forwarding works fine I asked it on Stack Overflow, but it got closed because "This question is ...
39 votes
0 answers

A [rad] burnination proposal

As the rad tag wiki says: "Please don't use this tag, it is ambiguous." Related: Clarify [rad] tag. I don't think it should be clarified but burninated, however, since the tag doesn't really ...
9 votes
0 answers

Tag wiki for [testflight] needs a cleanup by someone familiar with it

While reviewing this suggested edit I noticed the TestFlight wiki is in a bit of a confusing state. It presently refers to TestFlight in the past tense ("TestFlight was a developer tool...") ...
10 votes
0 answers

The Stacks Editor implementation of code formatting makes it much harder to edit questions in the Staging Ground

Just to be clear, I don't want a meta effect of votes on this question but it exemplifies the issue. I seemingly can't easily edit it back into shape like I used to be able to. The {} button has been ...
3 votes
0 answers

Vote or remove tag synonym suggestion [angular-module] to [angularjs-module]

In 2014, a tag synonym suggestion has been created from angular-module to angularjs-module which is stuck at 0 votes. At the time, Angular (2+) has neither been released nor announced yet, and the ...
-25 votes
0 answers

Why can't you access some things in more than 1 way?

In the all actions tab, you can see all the actions you have done, such as suggestions, revisions and votes. But why are there some things that cannot be access in more than 1 way? I'm asking this ...
-10 votes
0 answers

Description of path tag is biased toward filesystem

When asking a question about a path in PostScript, I browsed the tags: There is a path tag, but the description talks about filesystems, so I wondered whether that tag should be renamed to pathname or ...
15 votes
0 answers

RTL text makes the Staging Ground's "last action" timestamp render incorrectly

When a user with RTL text in their username (in this case, Arabic) performs an action in the Staging Ground, the "last action" timestamp's rendering breaks, splitting the number and the &...
2 votes
0 answers

Should [java-platform-module-system] be merged into [java-module]?

The 2 tags java-platform-module-system and java-module seem to capture the exact same type of questions, but the second one is far easier to find and more intuitive to use. I should add, a lot of the ...
2 votes
0 answers

How to know what a tag should mean: branching-strategy

For this specific case branching-strategy the tag-wiki is (currently) empty and there was a request to update this tag, to mean version-control branching strategy. That makes sense to me and many use ...
21 votes
0 answers

Does this edit change the original intent of the post?

I recently suggested this edit to a question about a Google Sheets formula. It was mostly reorganization (I moved the data up a paragraph to make the problem statement clearer), and I also deleted a ...
18 votes
0 answers

Remove synonym [yarn] -> [hadoop-yarn]

There are two major software products that use "yarn" in their names: Hadoop YARN (hadoop-yarn) - Hadoop is a distributed computing platform and YARN is a resource manager and scheduler for ...
3 votes
0 answers

Help Distinguishing From Duplicate Question

I'm looking for guidance on a question I posted... Pointer Aliasing in C++ ...that was marked as a duplicate The original question includes a code sample, in reference to pointer aliasing (a concept), ...
26 votes
0 answers
839 views links are broken is currently broken and there are about 1.4k posts linking the domain. Some of these are direct references (which need to be fixed). Others are from snippets of configuration files ...

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