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Unanswered Questions

460 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
38 votes
0 answers

See entire preview while editing a question

Most editing doesn't take a tremendous amount of time especially when it's in a tag you are familiar with. New users typically don't use backticks properly or will leave logcat and other error ...
37 votes
0 answers

Needless bulk tag edits

I hate to complain about someone's edits, but I'm becoming frustrated by this user making mass bulk edits that only add the flex tag. On one hand, I can appreciate adding visibility to a technology, ...
35 votes
0 answers

Attempting to modify my answer produces a new second answer

Just wrote an answer, reconsidered the name and thus edited it again. Effectively, that edit came out as a separate answer which I have deleted. Clarification dupe flag: The difference to the ...
34 votes
0 answers

Question editor auto closes when another edit is submitted while editing

Over the last several days I was bitten enough times to be sure that the following is actually happening, is not a coincidence, and started happening only recently: I start editing a question. ...
31 votes
0 answers

What is being done to improve new question quality?

TL;DR What exactly has been tried in the past to address new question quality, what is currently being done, and how are the current tactics being assessed? Intro This post is to highlight my ...
31 votes
0 answers

There should be hotkeys for switching between rendered view and markdown while reviewing suggested edits

I now have the privilege to be able to review suggested edits. On the page I now have two buttons to choose whether I want to see the post as: Rendered output Markdown Which is very helpful. The ...
30 votes
0 answers

Good question etiquette for generalising questions regarding a protocol, not a framework or language

TLDR A protocol can be used by many languages and frameworks - their usage is fundamentally generalised to some extent. If the key part of the question is not regarding the development of the protocol ...
29 votes
0 answers

Is there an issue with the Stack Overflow question list today?

I found a strange issue on Stack Overflow. In the last 1 hour, four questions are repeated within a few minutes of time. Question links are First question (3 mins difference) asked by amir ...
29 votes
0 answers

Inlining external code - copyright?

Today I came about a question in the review queue which could benefit from inlining the small code sample that was linked by OP by including it directly into the question. But: Code hosted on Stack&...
29 votes
0 answers

I see dead questions

So, this is probably something with the caching but tag pages recently started showing me deleted questions. For example: Which in particular links to this question:
28 votes
0 answers

Add a text field for specifying a reason when rolling back edits

In Leave comment when rolling back an edit?, the top answer suggests that you can click Edit for any post in the history, and then leave a reason for the edit. This is effectively rolling back a post ...
28 votes
0 answers

When asking a question, make it clearer how to format code properly

We've all seen new questions with code that looks something like this: func someFunction() { // code here more here etc. } Obviously they posted: func someFunction() { // code here more ...
28 votes
2 answers

What is the recommended way of dealing with old (then on-topic) question with a bounty?

I posted a question about MD5 hash collision back in 2014. As far as I know questions about algorithms are on-topic on Stack Overflow, and the cryptography tag did not have the warning "...
25 votes
0 answers

Influx of users including the content of their post twice in their question

As the title says, I've noticed an influx of users recently where they've posted a question where the content of the post is duplicated. If this was a one-off I'd think it were a user error, but these ...
24 votes
0 answers

Inconsistent behavior for "Unfollow" and "Too Many Pending Edits" popup modals

If you click the follow button when viewing a question, and then click the same button which now says "Following" to unfollow the question, a popup modal appears like so: If you hover the ...

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