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Unanswered Questions

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The reputation graph doesn't work properly when the webpage is zoomed in

Safari 10.1.1 (12603.2.4), macOS Sierra 10.12.5 By reputation graph I mean this: When I zoom in to the maximum on the webpage (making a "zoom in" gesture on my trackpad), the graph does not work ...
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Chat not scrolling to latest message any more and there are hundred of errors

This is the error I get in the console (Chrome 60 on a Mac): Whenever I go into chat it doesn't scroll to the bottom and any new messages I have to manually scroll. I tried refreshing multiple times ...
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0 answers

I changed display name but it doesn't update in profile

I changed profile name and save it then it doesn't reflect on current open page I get an acknowledgement message also..I need to refresh but on save it didn't reflect on name. Is it bug or I'm ...
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0 answers

UI rendering like I'm not signed in

I am seeing a sign up prompt when I am clearly signed in. Is this happening to anyone else? Chrome version: Version 53.0.2785.143 m Windows 10 Enterprise Add ons: Pocket, Vimium, and Webex
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0 answers

Possibly wrong reputation increment notification

Today I log in into my SO account and saw a +5 rep change (#1 on the image) and in profile +10 rep change. I know about that site is notifying only the recent up change but when I click on the notify ...
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0 answers

Logged out out of nothing?

I googled something, got bunch of SO results, clicked on both (to open a new tab), one tab had me logged in, and in the other I appeared not logged in, and any further page visits showed as not logged ...
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0 answers

What aren't user handles in comment replies working?

The last few days, when I try to comment, I notice the user handles aren't quite recognized in comment replies. I'll type is @Somebody, and the little popup appears that I can hit tab and auto-...
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0 answers

Content from question missing in edit view

This slightly older question Which one is faster in java? 1. Math.max(a,b); 2. (a>b)?a:b looks like: It starts with a "Hi". However when wanting to edit it (not only for the Hi but also other small ...
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0 answers

Profile comment activity - visited/unvisited link colours mixed up?

I was looking at a my comment history and noticed the following: I feel like the :visited colour is used when the link hasn't been visited yet. All around the network links usually become greyed ...
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0 answers

Why can't I find the tag [sql-server-2014]?

In the tag search page, if you write SQL the tag sql-server-2014 doesn't show up. But if you search for 2014, it appears.
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0 answers

Pressing CTRL+SHIFT+J takes me back to "previous" question

Just noticed this today: Pressing CTRL+SHIFT+J in order to open the browser console takes me back to previous question (and opens the console, too). To reproduce the error: Go to ...
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0 answers

New activity page broken?

Yesterday the page looked OK but today this is what I get: As you can see the Impact pane no longer fits along the 1st two panes and in the Reputation pane things are in a mess, too.. I should say ...
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0 answers

Ask Question seems broken using Safari on Mac

I'm using Safari on Mac. It seems that since the recent SO update a lot in Ask Question seems broken. Examples: There are no formatting buttons shown. There is no preview shown. There is no tag ...
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Weird auto-posted comment while using dupe hammer

After using dupe hammer on this post, I noticed a weird auto-generated comment popping up, attributed to me: This question is similar to: srand() — why call it only once?. If you believe it’s ...

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