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Questions tagged [typographical-error]

For questions about typographical errors in questions, especially when they are made in code and the cause of the problem, or typographical errors in the Stack Overflow website itself.

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73 votes
5 answers

Closing questions with typos faster: typo-hammer?

When a question with a problem caused entirely by an obvious typo appears, the proper course of action is to close it. Unfortunately, it takes several minutes or longer to gather the five votes ...
Sergey Kalinichenko's user avatar
43 votes
3 answers

Capitalisation again

The "edit tags" link-button has been restyled slightly, and while making that change someone has capitalised it. This is inconsistent with your other link-buttons (though the actual buttons tend to ...
Lightness Races in Orbit's user avatar
129 votes
6 answers

Is Stack Overflow becoming an error-detection site?

Recently I have noticed that more and more questions that really are syntax mistakes, and really small mistakes that could easily be fixed. Why is this bad? If you see many older posts prior to ~...
user avatar
39 votes
1 answer

Guidance on fixing posts with typos in the title [duplicate]

I have recently been trying to clean up some of the egregious typos on Stack Overflow to help make the information more searchable. For example, if someone uses "Javacript" in the title, instead ...
gariepy's user avatar
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30 votes
4 answers

Are questions about code published in a book exclusions from the general off-topic "typo" rule? [duplicate]

This question hit the Hot Network list: What does this colon mean? It is not labeling, it is not ternary operator The question is, basically, about a strange looking syntax found in a C++ book's ...
Roddy of the Frozen Peas's user avatar
24 votes
2 answers

What can I consider a typo? [duplicate]

Recently, I've been flagging quite a few questions as typos (Not reproducible or was caused by a typo). I would like to hear what the consensus is. Some examples are (albeit simplified and paraphrased)...
Ted Klein Bergman's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

How can I deal with Python indentation related questions?

Questions like this one are caused by simple indentation issues in Python. IMO, they don't bring any value to the site and have more or less the same answer. What is the correct way to deal with them? ...
Sabito's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Should I reject a documentation change because of typos? [closed]

I just came across a proposed documentation change that added a new section to a "useful redirection" topic. It was 6 lines long and I would probably have accepted it had it not been for its title: "...
asachet's user avatar
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162 votes
2 answers

Typo in the "dev.isBored" SO jobs banner [closed]

Currently there are two variants of the "dev.isBored" banner: one is correct: another contains a typo (last line not commented): and both are being shown. Update: With mandatory freehand circle to ...
Alexander Gonchiy's user avatar
72 votes
1 answer

Typo in Salary Calculator Slack preview [closed]

When you paste the Salary Calculator into Slack, the preview text has incorrect grammar. Specifically, it says: Use the Stack Overflow Salary Calculator to see how much you should you be earning. ...
Seanny123's user avatar
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70 votes
1 answer

Found a typo in German survey banner

I'm in Germany and my native language is German, so I was shown a German ad for the 2018 Developer Survey - and there's a typo on it. I'm talking about this banner. Just in case the link doesn't ...
Christian Specht's user avatar
44 votes
2 answers

GitHub is misspelled "Github" in the Developer Story page [closed]

I noticed a little typo in the Developer Story page: "GitHub" is incorrectly capitalized as "Github". The typo is in two places and perhaps more: If you don't have a GitHub profile linked, then it ...
Michael Geary's user avatar
44 votes
1 answer

Typo on the MCVE page

Just a small thing, but there is inconsistency in the dash width on the MCVE page: For those who can't see the minuscule difference (it's the hyphen after "Verifiable"). Who can fix this, and ...
Luke's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

Should we do something about "sqllite" misspelling?

I'm starting this discussion regarding a specific word. Note that I'm well aware that some other typos are more frequent than this one, but I'd like to narrow the discussion to "sqllite" because it's ...
Cœur's user avatar
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12 votes
0 answers

Missing space after submitting suggested edit [duplicate]

When I submit an edit for approval, this is what I see: Thanks for submitting an edit.It is only visible to you until it’s been approved by trusted community members. The grammar error is the one ...
Ben the Coder's user avatar
-12 votes
2 answers

Does it make sense to repair typos in posts (I would like, but suggestion canceling)?

Does it make sense to repair typos in posts (title and content)? Do you use fuzzy search algorithm during searching? Is it because it is probably not needed to update typos? I am thinking about these ...
JIST's user avatar
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