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Add fragment identifiers to MCVE page sections for easy linking

Sometimes, when I link to the MCVE page, I want to highlight one specific aspect using a fragment identifier. For instance, a question be minimal and complete, but not verifiable. It would be nice to ...
phihag's user avatar
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Please make /help/mre symlink to /help/mcve

If MRE is now (ever since the "reprex" brouhaha) the official term for what used to be called MCVE, could we please also link to the pertinent help page? ...
tripleee's user avatar
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Trigger MRE error on

There are 20 posts containing a link to, some of which are questions not providing any minimal reproducible example. The site itself states “This paste expires in <30 days.”. Thus, most ...
Sebastian Simon's user avatar
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Change "mwe" explanation from "minimal workable example" to "minimal working example"?

I was reading the Minimal Reproducible Example page and I noticed that for some reason the mwe acronym is spelled out as "minimal workable example". However, I believe that "minimal working example" ...
norok2's user avatar
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Can "Please create a Minimal, Complete, Verifiable Example" be an Auto-Comment

When I vote to close a question because it is a duplicate, a comment is automatically inserted: possible duplicate of... Could we add an automatic comment when I vote to close because it lacks, "...
Jonathan Mee's user avatar
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Warn users when using the Tables feature in question formatting tool

Lately I observe that more and more new users use the Tables feature in the question formatting tool. Ref.: 1, 2, 3, 4. Has it been specifically suggested anywhere recently? May be a coincidental ...
jay.sf's user avatar
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Ask OP for sample input/output data on questions tagged [excel]

I often find that the first thing I have to do when answering a question with the excel tag is to ask the user what their data looks like. I feel the best way to do this, is to prompt the user for ...
Zev Spitz's user avatar
  • 15.2k
3 votes
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What is the proper way to post an MCVE in frameworks like Django?

I think most people would not want someone to post their entire Django project into a question, but there's really no way to post an isolated piece of a Django project that someone else can copy into ...
Matt's user avatar
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This question appears to lack a clear problem statement. Is it a good audit?

I just failed this review audit, covering this question. I saw this question and gravitated to the fact that it lacks a clear problem statement. The question asker rightfully mentions that their code ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar