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-11 votes
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Why does SO not add more sites to "This question belongs on another site in the Stack Exchange network"? - Close reasons

This has been an issue for about 9 years (earliest post I could found was from June 2011, see below) now and I personally feel very uncomfortable with that it isn't fixed already. I clearly say "...
RobertS supports Monica Cellio's user avatar
6 votes
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Allow users with sufficient destination site reputation more migration options

@Davidmh's suggestion here would allow for more migration options while mitigating the problem of things being migrated when they shouldn't be. The idea is that if a user has sufficient reputation ...
Alexis Olson's user avatar
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17 votes
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Can we let moderators migrate misplaced meta-questions older than 60 days?

I recently came across this question, which I flagged for migration to Meta SO. It got declined as I didn't realize even moderators can't migrate after 60 days. What should even be done about a ...
River's user avatar
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-8 votes
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Should we have a way to migrate halfway OK looking questions to main?

During the process of closing/deleting this question, I noticed that I could not suggest migration to the main site as I originally intended to do. I voted to close for being off-topic instead. After ...
null's user avatar
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Should we add Software Recommendations as a migration target?

An inclusion of in the migration links:
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27 votes
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Update On-Topic Help with Links to Common SE Sites

Current situation Some sites that are very closely related to SO are omitted from the on-topic page. Specifically, the sites below are not mentioned at all on that page. Code Review Programmers ...
Der Kommissar's user avatar
25 votes
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What happens to migrated questions / migration requests now that we have triage?

Now that triage is working for some time and help-and-improvement is better than a first prototype, does that change how migration should be handled? Imho, a migrated question, especially if it is ...
Deduplicator's user avatar
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2 votes
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What if after posting a question here I realise it belongs to some other SE site!

So I happened to ask a database question today and then realized what I asked is probably a legacy technique being used in the industry and people on SO might not respond to it quickly, however if I ...
Neels's user avatar
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14 votes
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Add sites we're member to the list of sites for migration

I understand the reason (see this and this posts) the list of proposed sites for migration is limited to a small amount of selected sites (even if I'm little bit surprised TeX is one of them). Most ...
Adriano Repetti's user avatar
4 votes
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Why isn't the duplicate closure lifted when the "original" post is deleted?

I've been going through some old posts when i found a question marked as duplicate as shown below: (This post isn't particularly about that question) When I clicked the link provided to see the ...
T J's user avatar
  • 43.1k
274 votes
7 answers

Flagging migration should include more options

I have encountered numerous questions in with the sprite-kit tag such as: ...
ZeMoon's user avatar
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