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2 votes
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When is reputation actually regained from deleting a downvoted answer/question?

According to many posts here (like this accepted answer) you will regain reputation when you delete your downvoted answer to a question. I just deleted a downvoted answer to test and the score I have ...
Ivan Petrov's user avatar
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How can one do more than 40 down-votes per day?

I have been reading about Stack Exchange dying due to negative atmosphere, lack of fairness and civility: Why is Stack ...
Matas Vaitkevicius's user avatar
5 votes
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Is it worth flagging for a VLQ duplicate, deleted by its OP?

I came across a question today (10k+ only link currently) where the OP has deleted it as it is a duplicate: Apart from my spelling error of 'not', the OP was requested not to delete their question. ...
AStopher's user avatar
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What happens if you delete a question OR answer with negative or 0 scores

What happens if you voluntarily removes a question or answer frequently? Assume that you posted a question. Some people have down voted it. Is it OK to remove the question by yourself instead of ...
Ravindra babu's user avatar