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2 votes
1 answer

Canonical question/answer for an out of place JavaScript callback

As we know, there is a very good canonical target for returning values from an asynchronous call. I just came across this question where the OP has included the necessary callback function, but ...
74 votes
6 answers

Canonical duplicate for "floating point is inaccurate"

The question of "why is my floating point operation coming up as 0.0999999999999784" comes up really frequently. Usually we just leave a link to What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About ...
71 votes
3 answers

Deliberately opening duplicate questions as search targets

In the last year and a half I've answered almost 500 questions in the promise tag. We have a rather small community there and we like to open canonicals such as this one this one or that one. They ...
14 votes
2 answers

Canonical for "maintaining aspect ratio with CSS"

These questions ask how to maintain the aspect ratio of an element (usualy a div) according to a dynamic width with CSS. One of them should be chosen as a canonical answer and the others closed as ...
11 votes
1 answer

Many questions about the same broken reCAPTCHA sample code

It seems that, somewhere on the Internet, there's a badly written PHP code sample1 purportedly explaining how to implement reCAPTCHA. Users frequently come to Stack Overflow to ask problems about this ...
8 votes
3 answers

Marking disputed review audits as duplicates

Over the weekend, one user appears to have cast close votes on all of the open questions under the disputed-review-audits tag as duplicates. I could see this action as being constructive if we are ...
14 votes
1 answer

Which of these four Java BufferedReader questions should I use as a duplicate target?

Here are four essentially identical questions: Reset buffer with BufferedReader in Java? How do I read a file again using buffered reader in Java? Java BufferedReader back to the top of a text file? ...
1 vote
3 answers

Proposal for canonical question: "How do I use a debugger to debug my C++ code?" [closed]

Let's create a new canonical, community-wiki style question. The title could be "How do I use a debugger to debug my own C++ code?" Here is an example question that I would like to mark as duplicate ...
109 votes
2 answers

Questions about thread+loop not working without print statement

Consider the following scenario in Java: A developer has written a loop that waits for some state to be changed from a different thread. The loop doesn't seem to see the change. The developer adds a ...
11 votes
1 answer

Proposal for exact-duplicate sink for all the "double-backslashes in filename" questions

Today I saw again a question where the problem was OP didn't know he needs to escape the backslashes in a filename that was hard-coded in the source code. It usually boils down to this: const char *...
60 votes
3 answers

Process for nominating and promoting canonical questions

In the bash tag, we get a lot of duplicates. Off the cuff, I would speculate that 10-20% of all Bash questions are reiterations of maybe 50 common questions -- basic quoting, variables, syntax, ...
8 votes
0 answers

Canonical questions and the dupe-hammer [duplicate]

A while back, I noticed that a particular Spring question was exceedingly common and wrote up a canonical question on it; I then proceeded to march through a bunch of questions that were essentially ...