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I have a problem to add changes into Stack Overflow Documentation [closed]

When I'm trying to open some topic in Stack Overflow Documentation it shows me error Oops! Something Bad Happened! After some time, it works, but when I'm trying to add or edit some topic it just ...
Volodymyr's user avatar
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Alignment issue in the Documentation examples [closed]

In the documentation example section (Click on + Add Example icon on any documentation page), there are two minor alignment issues. The Markdown Editing Help icon has extra back ground color. The ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
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Discarded attempt to move an example now results in an error [closed]

Probably related to Documentation: moved an example - the topic is now bugged/unavailable. I edited in a synopsis to Running repair on Cassandra, and then I realised there's already a similar topic ...
muru's user avatar
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Documentation contributor chain on an Example is broken after a Topic move [closed]

Strange journey to get here I gave this answer, where I linked to a docs example I wrote back before public beta I got the Creditor badge for said link. But... First citation of a topic or example ...
Machavity's user avatar
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Calculation of major/minor contributions is broken [closed]

The example had 2 major contributors (one having contributed 308 and -20 chars, another 567 chars). I edited the example and was transformed into a major contributor. Wrong things happenned: A user ...
Athari's user avatar
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My Example got approved, but never got the reputation for it? [closed]

My topic and example just got approved in Documentation. But I did not gain any reputation for the same. Why did this happen? My example is this one:
Pritam Banerjee's user avatar
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Viewing revisions of a moved example created prior to the move results in 404 page [closed]

Moving examples between topics is a great way to reduce clutter and confusion. However, trying to establish what happened on an example prior to the move produces errors... Steps to reproduce Find ...
Shog9's user avatar
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Moving documentation example to another topic - Error [closed]

I've added a proposed change examples for time measurement in Debugging topic of Javascript language Documentation. link: Javascript.Debugging Fellow user pointed out that a similar topic (with only ...
Nikita Kurtin's user avatar