
Over the many years I've been on Stack Overflow I've seen the pattern where I get a steady trickle of reputation (generally on the order of 10-30 points a month) for upvotes on my answers. But in the past 2 months that has completely stopped, and I'm just curious why. Has there been a change in either the search algorithm or the method of awarding rep? Or are so many more people just getting their answers from AI that they're not reading and responding on SO any more?

It's December. Here is the record of my reputation change since February. Notice the conspicuous absence of change in October and November.

List of my reputation changes over the past 9 months, showing rep increase every month from February through September and then nothing in October or November.

  • 20
    I don't think there's any realistic way anyone could answer this for you. We can't read the collective minds of everyone in a position to read your posts. Commented Dec 4 at 13:48
  • 1
    I do understand it is because people aren't upvoting my answers, and I'm not looking for mind-reading. What I'm asking (apparently not very clearly) is if there has been some change in the system that would account for the change in a pattern that has, until these past 2 months, has been consistent for years.
    – Mark Meuer
    Commented Dec 4 at 13:50
  • 4
    Rep has been drying up for everyone over recent years since the sites participation has sort-of passed an inflection point downwards. I’m not aware of any specific change in the last two months, so that might just be variance on top of the general trend. Commented Dec 4 at 13:59
  • 4
    Well, 7.5k-Rep with "only" about 70 Posts (50 Answers + 20 Questions) is pretty impressive actually... A possible explanation could be that your Answers are aging maybe, as all your highly scored Answers were from [2010-2015], and the related technologies are slowly getting replaced/favored by other technologies from Developers...
    – chivracq
    Commented Dec 4 at 14:05
  • 2
    I agree with chivracq, especially as someone who frequents low-popularity library tags. I'm unfamiliar with the specific languages and libraries you're posting answers in, but I would expect (for example) a Python2-specific answer to become less popular as that language version gets (further) out of support. Commented Dec 4 at 14:06
  • 10
    That said, the homepage redesign did happen in that time frame. Commented Dec 4 at 14:07
  • 9
    I think the same for me, the trickle has dried up. I'm pretty sure ChatGPT is in some way involved, people are very busy upgrading their prompting skills rather than their programming skills.
    – Gimby
    Commented Dec 4 at 14:32
  • 2
    It's impossible to say why none of the users on the site have visited questions with answers by you and chosen to vote up any of those answers, so I'm voting to close this as opinion-based; any reason would be a guess, at best. Most likely it is primarily chance, combined with the factors others have mentioned. It doesn't help that you have only posted two answers this year. If you are truly concerned about earning more reputation, consider answering questions more frequently--that's really the most surefire way to ensure you earn a steady "income" of reputation.
    – TylerH
    Commented Dec 4 at 14:56
  • 12
    Statistically your "trickle" is very small, to the point where it is hard to draw any conclusions from it. The trend on the network overall though, is less users participating.
    – Lundin
    Commented Dec 4 at 15:12
  • 4
    Mine dried up shortly after chatgpt became prevalent. there's a very clear delineation in my rep graph where it occurred
    – Kevin B
    Commented Dec 4 at 15:49
  • Before long people will be "Prompting" everything. Taking courses in "prompting", probably in different prompting languages. Maybe even studying "Prompting and Data Structures." It's all still programming, man. Commented Dec 4 at 16:52
  • Reputation doesn't come out of thin-air, it needs voters, aka users with at least 15-rep to cast all their (up)votes each day. Between you and me we might have skipped a few days ...
    – rene
    Commented Dec 4 at 17:03


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