I posted the question More efficient list of all files in a directory in PHP, sorted by modifiation time?
I see now, that it is nearly a duplicate of Sort function works wrong with filemtime PHP, How to sort files by date in PHP?, Sort files with filemtime, glob() - sort array of files by last modified datetime stamp. I say "nearly" because my post focuses on the speed performance aspect of doing it on thousands of files, which is not present on these linked questions.
I always see "close as duplicates" as something beneficial (and every now and then I close my own questions as duplicate of other ones) but, here, I see my question is -3 voted, nearly "deleted" (wouldn't "closed" be enough?), and I thought my question had some benefits:
- short self-contained question, with MCVE, easy to read wording
- short answer with working code, better speed-performance
whereas all the linked questions were:
- more complex to read: How to sort files by date in PHP?
Here the MCVE is mixing HTML tags and things that are not related to date-sorting - or worse: glob() - sort array of files by last modified datetime stamp
Indeed this question has no MCVE (not optimal in terms of SO standards), and the answer has very poor performance because it doesn't cache the mtimes.
I don't really care about this specific question, but what to do in general when a new question is objectively better than old duplicates but receives a bad reception? (whereas it's not exactly a duplicate, it is about performance improvement)
Year 2020 - If you care about performance, consider not to use glob()!
. It could have been this. But it's not. What I mean is that it is not a 100% trivial a priori, thus my original question.