Question does not show sesnible research - since it is marked "language neutral" and .Net it implies that you've at least checked how problem described with words you've used is usually solved in most common .Net languages C# and VB.Net.
Doing basic search shows that everyone uses BitConverter
- so naturally everyone who reads your question expects to see at least some information why regular approach does not fit. Since none is found and there is some strange code shown its fair to downvote for lack of research.
Additionally note that the question starts with "in case I may need this functionality at some point in the future" - this is common sign of a not practical problem. Opening a question that way changes perception to start on a negative side. Unfortunately that feeling does not change much while reading through the question - after reading it several times it still unclear what you want to see as result: it hard to see how showing QWORD value converted by calculator is related to System.Single
(which is DWORD), number you start with does not fit into precision of System.Single
(which you presumably researched about too)... That should lead to at least "unclear what you are asking" votes to close, but also can be reason for donwvotes.
Overall you essentially requested everyone to look at your question but question is confusing and shows very strange effort to solve non-practical problem.
perform a bit of mind-reading, which sadly we can't
I'm workin' on it.