Could someone hazard a guess as to why people are downvoting my question:
How do I convert 'Single' to binary?
I took care to explain the problem clearly and in detail, as well as describe what I tried and why it didn't work.
Could someone hazard a guess as to why people are downvoting my question:
How do I convert 'Single' to binary?
I took care to explain the problem clearly and in detail, as well as describe what I tried and why it didn't work.
You say
Unfortunately, however, it returns inaccurate results.
Inaccurate how? For what values is it inaccurate and what values would it display if it were accurate?
In addition, since Single is a floating point type, what range did you want this to work under? Does the algorithm need to cope with fractional values and/or really large values? You mention in passing that
The single-argument overload returns scientific notation
Are we supposed to conclude that the binary output should not? Have you thought about why the decimal printing of Single uses scientific notation? Even if we stick with base 10, how would you display 130 or 1-30 without scientific notation and without either inaccuracy or displaying lots of meaningless digits?
The above questions are the sort of things you need to address in your question in order to make it answerable.
Why isn't providing feedback mandatory on downvotes ...
Good one. I think you've managed to get me to change my tune, by that single reference. I especially like the first bullet point on the accepted answer.Have you ever considered that people refrain from commenting because of responses like yours
That assumes that my responses came before the failure to comment, which would be incorrect.offensive
Er... that'd be defensive.