Let's try taking this in parts:
I come to this site to find answers by asking questions. But all I've found so far, is that SO users aren't actually interested in helping or identifying the right help someone needs.
So do several thousand other users. Every day. There's not nearly enough experts to give each question a decent amount of attention. To cope, most experts will do preliminary triaging to determine how much effort to expend on each question. Those that don't make the cut will usually be downvoted, and they move onto the next one.
My question to SO is, what is the point of letting all users who could potentially supply an answer or direct you to an answer, have the ability to mark your question as a negative outright without having to supply any reasoning, data, and/or facts as to why that might be the case (ie, suppling the burden of proof: https://www.justia.com/trials-litigation/evidentiary-standards-burdens-proof/)?
Because the downvotes are not for you. They're for the next readers, to signal that the post is not worth expending additional effort on. Over time, that can save hours, days, weeks, even months of effort.
You seem to want people to have to justify downvotes, to a legal definition, no less, but are not concerned that your own question does not meet those same standards. If you want people to expend effort, then you need to expend your own.
In short, you are allowing users to not be helpful right out of the gate, with zero accountability.
Oh, they are being helpful. They're not just focused on you, though. They're focused on everybody else that comes after you.
That means, for someone like me who is disabled, all I get is the run-around with no actual solutions provided...
We don't focus on personal circumstances. We focus on content quality. As an example, you could be Groot, and as long as your post isn't just endless, "I am Groot!" messages, we wouldn't have the foggiest you're a sentient tree from the other end of the galaxy. Your post is what matters.
...while users continue to not be interested in helping or have any accountability whatsoever by not supplying the burden of proof as to exactly why my question was marked negatively as "This question does not show any research effort; it is unclear or not useful."
We don't guarantee help. We've never guaranteed that you'll get help. What we do, though, is try to make sure that content can help many people.
If you don't understand my question, then ASK a question first for clarification!
...Why? I've already explained that the experts are overwhelmed; there's not enough time to give every question the same attention.
There is ZERO benefit to shut down a legitimate question, if users cannot get any actual solutions and/or constructive feedback.
Question legitimacy is a common argument used to justify a question. To be honest, you having a problem doesn't mean you can ask a good question. That's what we want; a good question. You still have to meet our quality standards, even if you currently have a problem.