This was an audit, designed to see if you were paying attention. You didn't pass.
Here's a screenshot of the result, the original post seems to have deleted.
It says this was an audit, and the post has quality issues, spam etc. But I don't see such thing in this post and it seems like a genuine answer.
From my understanding, we don't have to do any technical evaluation on the answers whether they are correct or not right?
I can assume that the user may have edited the post later, but isn't it wrong to include such posts to audit the reviewers?
You have made too many incorrect reviews. For an example of a task you should have reviewed differently, see: Come back in 4 days to continue reviewing.
I believe this needs to be addressed as it somewhat discourages the reviewers.
Edit: To the person who marked it as a duplicate, This is a not a duplicate of the given question. The linked question talks about an instance where the OP was unable to determine between a good link and a spammy link.
In that question, you clearly see a link to an external site, and one could argue whether the link is spam. or not. But in my instance, there is no spammy link or any kind of a spam at all in the post.
And I'm not asking how to determine whether a link is spam or not. My question is clearly mentioned above.