I just "failed" this review audit.
Apparently I should have labeled this answer as spam. Except that... it clearly wasn't.
The question in itself is one from 2011 that wouldn't pass current standards because it is asking for product recommendations. All the other answers are also links to products.
The product in this answer is, as the answer clearly identified, an open-source framework called "Summerbatch" that is distributed under the Apache 2 license. All of this is correct.
I don't see any reason at all why this answer should be classified as spam, or even deleted at all, as it is a good answer to a question that is bad by current standards.
I could see some rationale for downvoting it if you believe that bad questions shouldn't be answered, but deleting it is - as far as I know - reserved for things that aren't answers at all (or really spam/offensive).
To the duplicate suggester: this is a different audit, and in this case it is clearly not a spam, unlike your suggested duplicate, where even the OP indicated that he was doubting whether it was spam or not (and since it was a link to a youtube video advertising a commercial product without disclosure that it was such in the original posted, it was clearly spam). My case and your suggested duplicate are entirely different.