Can one ever legitimately ask why a question is downvoted/put on hold/closed here?
I've tried to ignore the occasional downvotes and question closures I get (not very many, thankfully), but it's been getting more frustrating of late. I don't think my communication and research skills are poor. Answers to a question about a downvoted question could tell me what I'm missing. Or, better yet, if people disagree with the downvotes, maybe that would shame the downvoters into being more thoughtful. (If better behavior is to be encouraged in askers and answerers, why not voters?)
At least one attempt to generate a broader discussion about the culture here has been closed down as "opinion-based," so I won't try to restart it. The question is simply: Can ask why a specific question is downvoted here?
PS I think this question is okay, despite being meta-meta, but what do I know?