You currently have this close reason – emphasis mine:
Questions about general computing hardware and software are off-topic for Stack Overflow unless they directly involve tools used primarily for programming. You may be able to get help on Super User.
Now, the problem is, there's also a direct migration path to Super User. What purpose does this close reason serve, then?
If a question is off topic for Stack Overflow, on topic for Super User, and good enough to be migrated, it should be migrated there directly. If it is not on topic for Super User (despite being about computer software or hardware), or not good enough, it should not be migrated, and – most importantly – we should not tell people that they get help on Super User.
Let's see what should really happen:
Why the current situation is bad:
It shouldn't say, "Yeah, well, you could ask on Super User", because what we see happening quite often is people asking off topic questions on Super User, assuming it would have been fine, because they were told so.
This leaves a bad user experience. First you're told to go somewhere else, and then people on the target site have to fix it and tell unexperienced users that they've been getting the wrong advice through an official message, signed by people who should've known better.
And I dare say the first close reason is also often chosen for questions about phones and electronic devices, which are off topic for Super User – but many close voters on Stack Overflow may not know that.
A few other issues: Those posts are usually just copy-pasted, and users on Stack Overflow might also be wondering why their question wasn't migrated directly. It encourages cross-posting ("hey, look over there!") rather than showing people that a question can be moved, or not telling folks about a site that will not help them anyway.
So please, remove the mention of Super User from the close reason, and let it simply say:
Questions about general computing hardware and software are off-topic for Stack Overflow unless they directly involve tools used primarily for programming.
Vote to migrate all questions that are good enough for Super User and on topic there.