I answered a question, I'm pretty sure it was true answer as the user asked.

However when I asked him why he didn't accept it, he mentioned additional details in the comments like: "What I wanted to know it was useful or not?" and other subQuestions.

When someone adds SubQuestions in a comment, Do I have to edit my answer until he finishes adding all subQuestions in his mind?

In general, shouldn't he ask another Question instead of adding it in the comments?


1 Answer 1


No. You shouldn't edit your answer for OP's sub questions. (You can if you wish though)

In general, shouldn't he ask another Question instead of adding it in the comments?

No. It has to be asked as a separate question.

So, kindly comment "Please ask a separate questions" and if OP still bothers you, you don't bother about him.

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