It's after midnight and I'm unwinding, trying to finish off a nice concoction of Baileys and Kahlúa on the rocks (long day).
I get a phone call from a number I don't recognize, but what the heck, I'm buzzing and answer it anyway.
A guy asks if it's me, and I confirm. He then, without introducing himself, starts talking about an issue he's having from a question I answered back in 2011. He goes right into his problem and starts asking me about how to fix it.
I'm just dumbfounded. The whole time he's talking I'm asking myself "who the heck calls a stranger after midnight with a tech support question?"
A crazy or desperate person, right?
When he finishes his dissertation and awaits an answer, I tell him that this is the strangest call I've ever received, that I don't normally do tech support and tell him to further clarify his problem in the comments section on Stack Exchange.
He apologized for calling so late and then ask if he could e-mail me. I responded "I prefer that you didn't" and the conversation awkwardly ended.
So did I do the right thing? Point him back to Stack Exchange? :P
Maybe he will clarify a problem someone else will have in the future and prevent support calls in early morning hours?
Based on the comments, here are more details for clarification:
How did he get your number?
My SE profile linked to my website which had my contact info; including cell phone.
I earn additional money consulting. When I created my website, I wanted any potential client to have whatever means they prefer to contact me. It was a conscious decision.
That being said, I changed the way I can be contacted; turns out I have a pretty low tolerance level for calls like this.
Maybe it was a Time Zone issue
The area code of the caller was 314; which puts him in the same timezone as me (Central). I suppose he could have been elsewhere in the country but even if he were in Hawaii, the time would have been past business hours.
Regardless of where he was in the world, time-zone-ignorance is a weak argument to justify a personal phone call.
"who the heck calls".replace(/\bhe/, 'fu');