I have used a custom flag to flag a job offer posted as a question since the default flags seemed to not fit the bill in my opinion.
The closest one I could think of was "Off topic", but the Off topic description says it must not be about programming at all, while the job offer technically was about programming which dissuaded me from using that one.
I read the link about flagging that was provided alongside the rejection of my flag and even after that I still would find myself struggling to find a proper fit in the default flags for such a thing.
EDIT: I am aware the question "Are job offers spam" has already been asked. Even so, it didn't come up as immediate while searching and i did link the post myself merely a couple hours after asking the question and before this had been flagged, i believe this should stay as it asks a different question with a different context and also explains why offtopic may also fit even tho it is not the best category for it. Ultimately i think it is silly that a post i myself linked as reference for my documentation gets cited as proof of this being a duplicate