While it happens every once in a while that a (IMHO) borderline question is used as an audit, I just encountered one that I firmly believe deserved a close vote, and I got "credit" for a failed audit when I did exactly that:
The question is this:
Exception when opening Parse push notification
All it shows is an exception backtrace for a crash, with a very vague description of what the app did when it happened:
app crashed when opening the push notification
There isn't a single line of code, or anything else that would help somebody reproduce or diagnose the problem. To me, this looked like a clear case for Off Topic, with sub-reason (emphasis added by me):
Questions seeking debugging help ("why isn't this code working?") must include the desired behavior, a specific problem or error and the shortest code necessary to reproduce it in the question itself.
The question does have 7 upvotes, and 2 answers. Based on these numbers, I understand why the system chose it as an audit case. But I still disagree that "There are no major problems with this question", as it says in the failed audit message.
Does my assessment seem completely off in this case?