Since I've been discussing this a bit in comments on Cerbrus' answer I figure I'd post my own competing answer, since I have the opposite opinion on whether they should be closed.
In the general case, based on my interpretation of this statement
Now, notice that this is subtly different from saying "If that other question isn't asking the exact same thing as yours..." That's because the proof is in the answers. If the question looks the same, but the answers aren't solving the asker's problem, that is not a dupe – that is a legitimate new question. Neither the person asking nor the person who lands from Google cares if the question has been asked before: they care if it has been answered.
taken from Changes to "close as duplicate" (part deux), I'd say that yes, two seemingly totally different questions should be considered duplicates if they share the same answer. The above quote is obviously dealing with the opposite case than this question, but I would argue that if the "proof is in the answers" and two apparently identical questions with different answers aren't duplicates, then two apparently different questions with identical answers are duplicates.
There are lots of times when a user comes along and wants to solve some problem they're having, and they use all kinds of words to describe the problem and what they want to achieve. And for all of those questions the answer essentially boils down to needing to use technique X. For example, anybody who regularly visits the jquery tag will know that there's constantly new questions being asked that can be answered using event delegation. They might look like totally different questions, but the same underlying principle can be applied to solve all of them.
However, make sure to also consider the quality of the answer(s) involved. If a question has already been answered elsewhere, but it's a pretty short, not particularly informative, answer that may not be useful to somebody who is trying to apply the principles to another similar issue, don't close as a duplicate. There's no point creating sign posts to crap content.
With regard to this specific case, "Why row won't show up?" seems like the worse question, and it also has the worse answer. If I was going to vote to close I'd pick that one as the candidate for closure.