Consider a scenario with two users, User A and User B. For whatever reason, A does not see eye to eye with B, and has taken it upon themselves to show their displeasure by downvoting B's answers en-masse.
Now, B waits 24 hours, and failing a reversal, raises a custom moderator flag.
A moderator steps in, and voting is corrected. Happy ending? Not yet.
A, frustrated, continues to downvote, but this time, slips up, and ends up downvoting one too many times within a certain time span. Now, this targeted downvoting is picked up by the system and automatically reversed.
Now, since A was behind this the second time, and since the user was previously dealt with by a moderator, does the system bring this second wave of targeted downvoting to moderator attention?
It would make sense to do so, because it is apparent that the user did not learn that what they are doing is completely against site rules, in addition to being unfair to B, because you are voting on the user, not on their answer's merits.
Yes, yes, I know. "It's one downvote, get over it". But it isn't just one downvote. Say, B posts a good answer to a new question (let's assume for the sake of discussion that the question is good, and on topic), and A then proceeds to downvote it. Any seasoned answerer will understand that few first few moments after posting your answer are critical, because it pops up at the top of the question (as "1 new answer to this question"), and everyone who sees it pop up will click (and likely vote). In that time, if a user sees the answer being downvoted (by A), they are more likely to dismiss it. Things worsen when A decides to upvote the competition, letting B's good (possibly better) answer slip to the bottom of the pile, where it has less chances of being seen or recovering.
I know what you're thinking now, "It's one answer, get over it". But it isn't just one answer. Rinse and repeat the process for 5 answers and you're no longer enjoying the Stack Overflow experience. Yes, the moderators will roll the votes back, but by then, the damage has already been done.
So, I'd like to know whether moderators are automatically notified of foul play even when the system intervenes.
If not, I strongly suggest that they should be.