Let me offer some well meant advice. Some of the regulars sought refuge in a room on MSE where I happen to be a Room Owner; I share some observations but I admit I'm also biased because my attempt to steer that crowd a bit didn't land, at least not how I imagined.
It takes two to tango. It is an understandable response to be defensive when you feel how you are treated is not justified. However, it really helps, as a group and as individuals, if you become more self-reflective. That is, try to envision how you, as a person, contributed to the issues the room is facing.
Based on my limited interaction with some of the regulars I find it hard to decipher if they are genuinely trying to make the best out of the room or just don't care about the (or any) room or its rules at all. That might lead to all kind of misinterpretations, speculation and jokes lost in translation. Keep in mind that it is difficult to communicate, that requires a common language, sensitivity, an open mind, the will to really listen and trying to understand what the other party's message is. Yes, also from me. And that is hard to stick to, especially when things get heated.
There is a common misconception that chat rooms on the SE network are a safe harbor and exempt from any rules except the ones embraced by its regulars. Again, I'm not 100% sure if that idea lived among your regulars but based on some messages in the transcripts it is possible that outsiders interpreted it this way. The regulars have to decide what they want their room to be. If the outcome is: anything should be allowed then reconsider if running this room on SE servers and within the SE policies ("be nice") is the right thing to do.
As a group embrace Toward a philosophy of Chat and live up that. Make sure to leverage all options in A guide to moderating chat, keeping in mind that those options are not limited to the RO's. Everyone can moderate, given that everyone is open for being moderated.
Make sure you have a set of rules that are clear and enforceable. We had rules in SOCVR that were impossible to explain, impossible to verify, and therefore impossible to act on and if you did you were probably screwed as an RO. Rules needs to be changed/tuned/removed/updated over time and regularly. Have an insane set of rules so it becomes easy to refer to that instead relying on users' selective and failing memory.
Be open and transparent about how and when you moderate to enforce your rules. Explain why you take or refuse to take actions. That has value for everyone involved to better understand the reasoning behind certain measures. One important thing I learned over time is the SOCVR's agree to disagree rule. You can't possibly keep everyone happy all the time. But at least being clear about things you disagree on makes sure no one should feel left out or disrespected.
I'm by no means a model room owner or pretend to perfectly understand (room)culture and all the social and inter personal dynamics that are at play here. Nor do I fully grasp SE policy and mod policies and I certainly miss context. Nor do I pretend to tell you how y'll should live your online life or how to behave in and run your room. I'm just offering my biased observations, well meant but probably useless advice and maybe some food for thought.
I said this before in some room:
There is a thin line somewhere, stay at the right side.
Go paint that line. Together. Have fun.