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Bergi's user avatar
Bergi's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
3 votes

Is this a new edit screen? Or have I just never seen it?

3 votes

Remove [ecma] tag

3 votes

2023: a year in moderation

2 votes

What is the appropriate place to ask Artificial Intelligence questions

2 votes

Help clarify the appropriate [behavior]

2 votes

Is it acceptable to edit an answer in ways that fundamentally change it?

2 votes

Retag ecmascript-harmony into ecmascript-6?

2 votes

Are questions that ask why a certain snippet of code doesn't work in a browser alright?

2 votes

Suggestion for distinguished link text of [help], [help/on-topic], [help/dont-ask], etc

1 vote

Tag for Babel Language Interoperability Tool

1 vote

Reason for not letting me edit a meta post

1 vote

Different types of quotes in answers

1 vote

Should a fairly off topic question that would be beneficial for the community be asked?

-3 votes

Removing [ecmascript-6] tag from questions

-3 votes

Tag suggestion for ECMAScript Temporal

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