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Unanswered Questions

1,351 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
48 votes
0 answers

Helpful flags should be shown in the same layout as votes cast

It would be nice if "helpful flags" will be shown in the same layout as "votes cast" and "post edited". Actually if I look at the votes cast I can see the header and navigate to other pages. If I ...
48 votes
0 answers

Limit the number of pending suggested edits

Recently, I have noticed several users below the 2000 rep threshold going on an retagging spree in the suggested edit queue. Can we limit the number of pending suggested edits to 5 or 10 to ...
48 votes
0 answers

Make these specific [jquery-*] and [jquery-ui-*] tags synonyms

The following tags all refer the same jQuery UI components but use both the jquery-ui-* prefix and the jquery-* prefix. I suggest all of the following tags are made synonyms. jquery-dialog -> jquery-...
47 votes
0 answers

Rename [car] to [r-car]

car It's increasingly obvious having a [car] tag is inviting people to ask questions about cars, and not R, despite having an excerpt that says it's not about cars. Renaming the tag should help ...
47 votes
1 answer

Merge [visual-studio-2015-comm] into [visual-studio-2015]

The Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition is essentially the same as the Visual Studio 2015 Professional Edition. As it stands, the only real reason to use this tag is for license clarification. Which ...
46 votes
0 answers

Voting tooltip changes meaning of downvote

In the new voting tooltips, a crucial reason for downvoting was left out: This question does not show any research effort I suspect the UI designer(s) removed the bit out to save space, not ...
46 votes
0 answers

How did Stack Overflow decide its navbar height?

As I write this, Stack Overflow and SO Meta seem to have a navbar height of 60px, Stack Exchange Meta seems to have a navbar height of 40px, and other Stack Exchange sites (Law, Electrical Engineering)...
46 votes
0 answers

Hot Network Questions are HTTP links when the site itself is served via HTTPS

Links to Hot Network Questions are always HTTP links, even when the site is accessed over HTTPS. This is inconsistent with question links in Linked and Related sections (when Stack Overflow is ...
45 votes
0 answers

Add margin-top to headings and reduce their margin-bottom

TL;DR: Headings currently have a CSS margin-bottom value, but not a margin-top value resulting in a distance to the following paragraph. I propose to add a margin-top and reduce the margin-bottom of ...
44 votes
0 answers

Related questions list is missing text

The related questions list on this question seems to be broken. At least one other user can reproduce the issue. Looking at the HTML code it seems that the text is just not there: <div class="...
43 votes
0 answers

I stepped on another [lego]. Let's clean these up

We have three tags here lego mindstorms nxt They're currently in a bizarre love-triangle thing where they're being mixed up all over the place. Lego Mindstorms NXT was a thing, but not anymore. ...
43 votes
0 answers

Instructions for reporting copyright infringement have (accidentally) been removed from the site

The official DMCA Designated Agent has changed from the one linked in the text below (which was terminated on 2020-07-05). If the status of the contact linked in this note is no longer "Active&...
43 votes
0 answers

Wrong page title in unanswered list questions page

There seems to be a problem of title management on SO: In fact, the title displayed when visiting the Unanswered page on SO is "Highest Votes Questions", instead of "Unanswered Questions". The ...
43 votes
0 answers

False (old?) information in Close-Privilege description

Today I've been awarded with the "Cast close and reopen votes" Privilege (3000 Reputation). So I read through the description of said privilege and saw the following bulletpoints, formally ...
43 votes
0 answers

Merge [blogspot] to [blogger]

We have blogger (2017 Qs) and blogspot (288 Qs). According to the tag wiki of blogger, Blogger is blog publishing service by Google. All blogs on blogger are hosted on Google server on ...

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