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Unanswered Questions

287 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
13 votes
0 answers

Non-whitelisted HTML-like text is incorrectly stripped from Discussions post markdown

Discussions appears to implement additional filtering on the contents of posts, in order to enforce certain additional restrictions on what can be included in posts. Unlike other forms of filtering on ...
0 votes
0 answers

Can we have syntax highlighting for AutoHotkey(AHK)?

I've scourged this site for similar questions, but the closest one was this: Should we have syntax highlighting for AutoHotkey questions? But it does not really tackle the question well in that it ...
1 vote
0 answers

Warn about unsaved changes in code snippet

Context: While writing a question or answer, an attempt to leave the page (by trying to close that browser tab or clicking on a link) triggers a confirmation dialog. Moreover, returning to the same ...
12 votes
0 answers

Syntax highlighting is broken (renders as `lang-none`) despite a correct `lang-python` specifier

I've slightly edited this question. When I checked the final result, I noticed the Python code block was not properly highlighted. (I can't remember if it was before my edit.) It's correctly (I think)...
1 vote
0 answers

Typescript language syntax highlighting broken when using "ts" or "lang-ts" code fence hint

Lately I've noticed the syntax highlighting for typescript questions is not applying when the code fence hint ```ts or ```lang-ts is used. Example question - How to have TypeScript show computed/...
4 votes
0 answers

Bad closing <a> tag earlier on causes last link in post to be not a link anymore

I just came across a puzzling issue while editing somebody's old post to update a broken link. Always the last link in the post was not clickable, it wasn't even a link, it was simply text. It turns ...
3 votes
0 answers

HCL language for code block

It is possible to ask for a new language to be available for code blocks? If yes, I feel that adding the hcl language identifier would be handy. There is a similar question somebody ask not too long ...
3 votes
0 answers

How is markdown in discussions being converted to HTML?

Posts on SE use Markdig on the server side, and markdown-it for the client-side preview. But it seems like threads under discussions are behaving slightly differently. For example, underscores and ...
9 votes
0 answers

Use Python syntax highlighting for [micropython]

Can we add Python syntax highlighting for questions tagged micropython? Some random examples of questions when this would be helpful: Update screen every hour Why isn't my ILI9488 touchscreen working?...
3 votes
0 answers

Add "Edit snippet" to snippets in an answer

Sometimes there're several snippets in an answer. It's very confusing/difficult to edit them in that case. Usually you look at a snippet you want to edit. Then you click 'Edit' for the answer it ...
4 votes
0 answers

Next.js and Next.js 13 tags should select TypeScript highlighting

Related: 1, 2, 3, probably many others, some out of date (Prettify is abandonware). Is there an alias system for inferring the language which is moderator-editable? An example here of where this is a ...
2 votes
0 answers

Latest Chrome breaks Stack Snippets (113.0.5672.126)

I've just upgraded my Google Chrome to version 113.0.5672.126 (Official Build) (arm64) on macOS 13.2.1. But afterwards, all Stack Snippets stopped working I've uninstalled all my extensions I've ...
7 votes
0 answers

Lack of a closing </sub> in a paragraph results in a later <sub></sub> pair not being applied

On the question How to convert a string of space- and comma- separated numbers into a list of int? Note the comment I have added at the end of the page source. If I try to remove the comment and its ...
6 votes
0 answers

Add syntax highlighting for [gdscript] tag

Godot is becoming increasingly popular as a choice for a game engine, and it's also becoming popular in Stack Overflow as well: gdscript, godot It also has support with Highlight.js as well, and I ...
1 vote
0 answers

Why does Stack Overflow's code snippet show a different result compared with a normal editor?

Today, when I was answering a question, I observed that the result from the code snippet Stack Overflow give us is different from other editors. For example, this and this both shows the right result, ...

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