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Unanswered Questions

287 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
78 votes
0 answers

Add an option to hide or collapse less relevant snippet sections

Snippets are very useful, but often fill up a lot of the answer with irrelevant code. (E.g. in JavaScript questions, often the solution can be demonstrated by changing a tiny part of the JavaScript ...
76 votes
0 answers

Dockerfile syntax highlighting?

From what I read here, and here; I expected there would be syntax highlighting for Dockerfile files. But I've tried it to apply highlighting to one answer of mine here, but it never shows. I've tried ...
75 votes
0 answers

Support x86asm as a highlighted language

I would like to see x86 asm (Intel syntax) supported as a highlighted language. It is already supported by highlight.js as x86asm, and there are more than 15,000 questions in the x86 tag alone and ...
61 votes
0 answers

Replace code snippets by normal code block if JavaScript tag is absent

Some users (probably mostly new users) tend to use the "code snippet" tool for code in languages that aren't supported by Stack Snippets. Would it not make sense to disable the code snippets ...
49 votes
0 answers

Abusing the Code Snippet for wrong languages

I see this at least once a day, someone puts their Java or even C code in the Code Snippet thing that's meant exclusively for HTML / CSS / JS. What it means - someone has to manually remove the magic ...
46 votes
0 answers

Don't push my tab's history too far

Whenever I click on Stack-Snippets®'s in any post, a new entry is made in my tab's history (the one for the back and forward buttons, accessible through window.history in js). I like to keep my tab's ...
45 votes
0 answers

Rendered view requires blank line before (and after) tables, but preview works regardless

I saw a wrong table layout where the poster did the following and it looked wrong: Table x | Name | Category | | ---- | -------- | | A | High | | b | Medium | | c | Low | ...
43 votes
0 answers

Use HTTPS for snippets because some features are HTTPS only

Many features of the browsers are starting to require HTTPS which means they don't work on Stack Overflow snippets. Please consider using HTTPS for Stack Overflow snippets. I recently tried to answer ...
43 votes
0 answers

Create a magic link introducing stack snippets

I just happen to come across another fiddle request. One feedback this thread: Inform the users about the existence of stack snippet while requesting external demos in comments received was the ...
42 votes
0 answers

Please bring back the bluish syntax colouring

I always thought that beige syntax colouring was a Meta thing because Meta was a greyed out version of SO. Now the beige keywords are used on SO as well, making it look... somehow wrong. Would it be ...
40 votes
0 answers

Allow us to choose a doctype for Stack Snippets

Sometimes a specific doctype is required to reproduce an issue. Currently it's not possible to specify a doctype for a Stack Snippet's html section. I've tried this: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//...
38 votes
0 answers

The STL tag uses the wrong language for syntax highlighting

The stl tag lists C as the language used for code highlighting ("Code Language (used for syntax highlighting): lang-c" on the tag wiki page). This is the incorrect language, as it should be &...
38 votes
0 answers

Please Fix Stack Snippets

Please fix the many outstanding issues with Stack Snippets: Why won't this snippet with async await work here on Stack Overflow snippet editor? Fixed Oct 3 2024 Update the version of Babel Standalone ...
38 votes
0 answers

Add information on Stack Snippets to Help Center

There isn't currently any page on the Stack Overflow help center that relates to Stack Snippets, and a search for that term in the help center does not return any valid results. I have twice used a ...
37 votes
0 answers

Close Snippet obstructed in Full Screen

Alter the z-index of fixed top bar when using Full Screen Snippets has been fixed. But click on the full screen preview and try to close the snippet? Hello! Click on the full page above right and ...

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