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Unanswered Questions

2,085 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
13 votes
0 answers

Stacks Editor is doing rapid layout shift as I edit the body input

When I edit my input in an inline answer editor on MSO (and only on MSO- not SO or MSE), almost every time the input changes, the editor / editor preview render experiences a brief layout shift. Ex. ...
9 votes
0 answers

Severe usability issues with the Stack Overflow Survey 2024 pages on narrow screens

For instance, the first page. At the bottom there's the index - but it's not clear that there's a horizontal scroll bar which is only accessible when scrolling to the bottom: which makes it feel like ...
5 votes
0 answers

The term watched tags changed to "Following" which conflicts with the already used followed posts

I noticed that in last few days, the [watched-tags] that was previously shown at the top-left side of the page has been changed to [Following]. This is confusing because we already have something ...
6 votes
0 answers

Previous & Next buttons on the survey are a page ahead

On the 2024 Survey results the Previous & Next buttons assume you're already on the next page. The order of pages is Developer Profile, Technology, AI, Work, Community, Professional Developers, ...
6 votes
0 answers

"Vote as duplicate" remains available even after I "Vote[d] as off-topic", but then it fails at the last step of voting

I just voted a non-programming question as off-topic but when I looked up the resolution I realized that the target, while also being off-topic, is available on Stack Overflow, so I wen't back to the ...
2 votes
0 answers

Total question count changing

When I refresh the page, sometimes the total number of questions changes. I know it might be a duplicate but I can't seem to find any discussion of this problem anywhere.
4 votes
0 answers

Opening notification tab with removed notification doesn't clear them

I recently got notification while I was on SO. I clicked on the "Inbox" button, but there is no new notification even if the "1" is already displayed and keep to be showed. Here I ...
10 votes
0 answers

In high contrast mode only the "Cookie settings" link in the footer is underlined

When high contrast is enabled, usually all links are underlined. Except for the footer where they are not underlined. Except for "Cookie settings" which is underlined.
3 votes
0 answers

Unable to delete older filters

Answering possible questions, yes I read the question How can I delete my custom search filter? and no, it DOES NOT WORK for me. When I try to delete my own filters from here created long ago, they ...
9 votes
0 answers

Stack Overflow AI logo bad contrast

In dark mode, the "Stack Overflow AI" logo in the left sidebar has a bad contrast:
29 votes
0 answers

A question "became hot network question" 32 times in a row, all within 28 seconds

The question How can I write a std::apply on a std::expected? has become a Hot Network Question. That's fine, there's nothing wrong with it being a hot question. The fact that it is a Hot Network ...
5 votes
0 answers

Jobs highlight in left menu doesn't go away

It doesn't go away no matter how hard I refresh the page.
4 votes
0 answers

Why are there two review tasks for the same edit?

Reviewing suggested edits, I've been shown this suggested edit a few times, each time I submit it, I get redirected to the next task and the site does not save it. After looking into it in more detail ...
6 votes
0 answers

Followed Posts in Staging Ground don't show up in profile

I'm following a post in Staging Ground: It works as I've already gotten a notification about a new comment. But when I go to my profile page it states that I don't follow any posts: Is this a bug or ...
6 votes
0 answers

Duplicated answer after connection loss

I was editing my answer to this question when I lost my connection. After restoring connection and submitting the update, I have got a new answer appearing like if I duplicated my answer instead of ...

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