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(UPDATED 2023 May 8) - Changes to the Census badge

There probably needs to be a better explanation here. Stack Overflow shares the full survey data sets. That means you can see a given user's responses for every question. In other words, if you've ...
Machavity's user avatar
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(UPDATED 2023 May 8) - Changes to the Census badge

The cookie that I got for filling out the annual survey was that I got a badge to go along with it. If I'm not getting the cookie, why am I willingly giving you my participation? Why should I rejoice ...
Makoto's user avatar
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(UPDATED 2023 May 8) - Changes to the Census badge

How is that possibly a privacy concern? Yay, you can see someone filled out an anonymous survey! That's data we can absolutely abuse! I mean, if that's data that needs to be protected, what about: ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
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(UPDATED 2023 May 8) - Changes to the Census badge

I think this is a bad idea, and I alluded to some of my reasons in the comments, but let me write up all my points: The cat's already out of the bag In the data dump, the badges table lists badges per ...
Erik A's user avatar
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(UPDATED 2023 May 8) - Changes to the Census badge

As I mentioned in the comments, I can't see how the removal of the badge "protects" a user, at least on a site like Stack Overflow. According to a recent post, where someone was querying why ...
Thom A's user avatar
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(UPDATED 2023 May 8) - Changes to the Census badge

Maybe there are only a few people like me who did the surveys because I would get the badge. I would understand that the badge will not be given from now on, but why do you need to go such length to ...
holydragon's user avatar
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(UPDATED 2023 May 8) - Changes to the Census badge

This is one of those baby with the bathwater scenarios. Sure, someone could in theory tie into a NSFNET router and observe anyone's data or bank data etc. etc. the world is ending. There is no need to ...
Travis J's user avatar
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18 votes

(UPDATED 2023 May 8) - Changes to the Census badge

Now that the full survey is online and we see its contents, axing the badge to protect privacy makes even less sense because very little personally identifiable information is asked (compared to ...
cottontail's user avatar
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10 votes

(UPDATED 2023 May 8) - Changes to the Census badge

So, if we're going to get a Census badge, with everyone's badge issued on the same day, why can't we get back all the Census badges we earned, with them all issued on the same day?
Nick's user avatar
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9 votes

(UPDATED 2023 May 8) - Changes to the Census badge

Looks like someone posted a bug report question about this well before I did: Census page link is broken? status-completed bug The help page for the Census badge has not yet been restored: https://...
zcoop98's user avatar
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(UPDATED 2023 May 8) - Changes to the Census badge

I really knew that there will be no badge after I completed this year's survey. Can I get some compensation for spending my time aimlessly? Also, removing the badges (without getting any allowance ...
Dmitriy Popov's user avatar
6 votes

(UPDATED 2023 May 8) - Changes to the Census badge

I have to say that the Census badge is the biggest reason that I fill the survey, after filling out so many surveys, you decided to remove my badges? Feels like all my effort is worthless now.
Wenfang Du's user avatar
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6 votes

(UPDATED 2023 May 8) - Changes to the Census badge

I feel like there should've been at least a pop-up with a message that for this year's survey will not grant you a badge, but I still see some of the points made. Will miss that badge tho.
JustSightseeing's user avatar
3 votes

(UPDATED 2023 May 8) - Changes to the Census badge

This same info is still available in the data-dumps. I sent an email about it I see that my request for removing the Census badge data from SEDE went through (or at least- it seems it did). But what ...
starball's user avatar
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