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-31 votes
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Account banned for 5 questions in 6 months [duplicate]

I have been banned for 6 months, for having 5 questions in 6 months with only one having downvotes. My questions get marked as off topic even though I have read the rules and follow them perfectly to ...
john doe's user avatar
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5 votes
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Suggestions for making this deleted question conform to the rules/guidelines of this site

I am currently question banned, and after talking to several people it seems that mods are suggesting I try to make this question (
sfors says reinstate Monica's user avatar
-34 votes
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Suggestion: Review Queue for Question from Banned Users

I have a suggestion to allow users to positively get back into contributing to the SO community and I searched google to no avail so I'm hoping this isn't a duplicate. What if users were allowed to ...
FreeSoftwareServers's user avatar
-61 votes
4 answers

Why did they ban me from asking questions for asking a poor question when I copied a question exactly that was asked at least four other times?

Why did Stack Overflow ban me from asking questions for asking a "poor" question when I copied exactly the same question that was asked at least four other times on Stack Overflow? If it was a so poor ...
glenn nall's user avatar
32 votes
1 answer

What to do regarding users posting low quality questions?

A certain user keeps posting low quality plzsendmetehcodez type of questions. I added a comment on one of his posts telling him what to do but he seems to have ignored it and posted another ...
Keale's user avatar
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2 answers

A 'detect bad questions' course for repeated poor questioners?

Further to my question asking about statistics regarding first time questions being closed (Is there a statistic on the percentage of first-time questions that are deemed low quality?) I had a thought:...
user3791372's user avatar
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I've had some bad questions in the past, a warning says to edit them, but how should I?

"Wait! Some of your past questions have not been well-received, and you're in danger of being blocked from asking any more. For help formulating a clear, useful question, see: How do I ask a ...
César Amorim's user avatar