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Questions tagged [navigation]

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-8 votes
1 answer

When on a meta site, how can you return to the main Stack Overflow site (or whatever site you came from)?

Too many times I've caught myself falling down a Meta rabbit hole, and not being able to get back (quickly) without putting in my address bar. I figure there should be a little ...
13 votes
1 answer

Make headings anchor-jumpable

The main feature: Headings could have an auto-generated id that could be used to constract a webpage link to an exact location of a lengthy Q/A. Such anchors could also be used to navigate within an ...
-12 votes
1 answer

Wouldn't it make sense to have quick links directly below the thread starter's question, if there are accepted answers?

is there a way to get a direct link to an accepted answer? I've seen this in a few other forums, and it seems logical to me. The total discussion is of course very relevant also, just different modes ...
7 votes
0 answers

Navigation on user profile reputation page is broken

When visiting the reputation change page on a user profile page, you can navigate forwards and backwards using the pagination buttons at the bottom, but you can't navigate back using the browser's ...
39 votes
0 answers

Double slash gets added to the URL when clicking on chat navigation

Whenever I click on the link that is on the sidebar (which shows the chatrooms) an extra slash is added always in the URL before rooms, e.g. The link is not ...
3 votes
0 answers

Custom filter and navigation issues

I have a custom filter that lists the questions I'm interested in and it works fine. However, if I click into a specific question in that list and then use my browser back button to return to the list,...
18 votes
0 answers

Returning from question requires to go back twice, ad causing extra (identical) entry in history

Since a few days, I notice that returning from a question to the question list occasionally requires having to go back twice. The problem occurs when navigating to a question and waiting for the ads ...
4 votes
1 answer

Having to press the back button twice to go back from a question to the previous page after editing a question [duplicate]

For a few days now I've noticed that I have to press the back button, or the backspace key, twice to return from a question I edited to the previous page. The URL doesn't change at all, but for some ...