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84 votes
4 answers

Can't edit question - title already exists

I can't seem to edit this question: Note: I was only editing the body of the question, not the title. Note2: The question was brand new.
orlp's user avatar
  • 117k
43 votes
2 answers

Should I edit titles which have nothing to do with the actual problem?

I keep running into questions titles which may be potentially interesting, but then the problem is actually about a syntax, or some other basic error. For example, I assumed scalar-product-of-...
AShelly's user avatar
  • 35.4k
93 votes
3 answers

Why is removing tags from the title suggested so often?

I noticed that a common type of edit is to remove words from the title that are in the tags list. Like "How do you do this and that in AngularJS" -- the "AngularJS" part gets removed. I don't really ...
Peter Aron Zentai's user avatar
120 votes
2 answers

Is it OK to systematically edit the questions titles like this?

Should I continue removing tags from titles and reword the questions titles with actual English sentences even if it troubles the OP? I follow mostly Apple-related questions. It includes tags for iOS,...
Eric Aya's user avatar
  • 70.1k
48 votes
4 answers

Should question titles generally be questions?

I know we're not going to enforce this in general, but there's currently a lot of noise in the review queue from user Anand Solanki, whose edit history consists almost entirely of editing question ...
Collin's user avatar
  • 12.3k
14 votes
2 answers

Removing words from titles because they're in the tags?

I've seen 2-3 question edits where a word was removed from the title just because it also appeared in the tags. To me, this seems like a really bad idea. It makes the questions unclear since the tags ...
Jordan Reiter's user avatar
40 votes
2 answers

Should very old questions be updated to newer standards?

For example I am often Removing "tags" from the title of questions. Now I see a question like CSS: How to make background-image above background-color in a list that clearly falls into this ...
Erik Philips's user avatar
  • 54.6k
-16 votes
1 answer

How to force SO to accept a bad title? [closed]

This question: RTools not working? was migrated from, which seems like a reasonable decision. However, it has a subject line which would not be acceptable, as well ...
user avatar
29 votes
1 answer

Edit to an old question cannot be saved because title too long

I tried to edit an old question and when I hit Save Edits it showed me this error, even though I didn't touch the title. Is there a new constraint, and if so, how can one possibly edit an old ...
Kristijan Iliev's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Unable to edit question without also editing the question title

When I attempt to edit the body of this question of another user in order to fix the formatting, I get the following error message: Title cannot contain "troubleshoot in implement tokens in my C&...
Andreas Wenzel's user avatar