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23 votes
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Serial voting still showing on my questions 5 days after incident, cache not cleared as expected?

This is not a duplicate of "voting corrected" does not give the up votes back. Per animuson's comment on the linked question, a midnight script should correct these votes, but this doesn't ...
Liam's user avatar
  • 29.4k
19 votes
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Why does my total number of votes differ in three places?

The title basically says it all. I was looking at my profile, and I noticed that there are three places that I can see the number of votes I have cast. There is a badge for voting a certain number of ...
Cache Staheli's user avatar
19 votes
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Stale cache issue - question from almost 14 days ago appears in recent stream

I observed this earlier today, so I don't know if it's reproducible. But, I'll post everything I know about this in the hopes that someone can do something about it. Note: I'm experiencing this ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 106k
13 votes
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Front page caches too agressively [duplicate]

The front page ( frequently shows me its state from a few hours ago. Steps to reproduce: Have visited a few times before (shouldn't be too hard). ...
CodeCaster's user avatar
  • 151k
10 votes
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"Recent Achievements" popup/badge is not updating [duplicate]

I'm not getting real time updates in the achievement icon/popup. Nether the badge showed the green color icon for recent upvotes, nor popup has been updated.
Roshana Pitigala's user avatar
5 votes
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Bug - going back a page displays cached content from a week ago

Ok, I know there was a similar question about a year ago here and here regarding the main page, however I can't seem to find anything about other pages, so my guess is that's a different issue (...
AgataB's user avatar
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4 votes
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Hot Meta Questions not updating title

I clicked on the Hot Meta Post just now, entitled "Double Review Bar bug". However, upon clicking it, I saw a Meta question with a different title, which I found to be the title of the original ...
NoOneIsHere's user avatar
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Page Caching / Back Button Issue [duplicate]

For the past week or so it seems that there is an issue on stackoverflow that brings back very old (days) copies of the page. For example: When I go to the Tags button, then select the C# tag and ...
Ron Beyer's user avatar
  • 11.3k
3 votes
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What are these ~100 extra questions?

There is a discrepancy between All Questions: 19,821,501 questions and Search Results: Results found Search options questions only (is:question): 19,821,596 results moments apart. What/Why? (I am ...
greg-tumolo's user avatar
2 votes
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The list of Tagged questions is not refreshing immediately when the tag is removed from a question

I recently edited a question and removed the tag mdx from it as it had got nothing to do with that. When I went to the tag MDX, I could still see this question even though it didn't have the MDX tag ...
SouravA's user avatar
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Reputation shown different in Stack Overflow and Meta Stack Exchange

I created a new account in Meta Stack Exchange and it give me +100 bonus points which displayed on Meta Stack Exchange account like so: In Stack Overflow my profile displays 1 as reputation for Meta ...
Sadikhasan's user avatar
  • 18.6k
1 vote
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Reputation area for Acheivements appears broken with stale data [duplicate]

The reputation piece of the Achievements menu appears to be broken (stale data). I've earned some and it has not populated in the menu. I see stuff for UTC yesterday and nothing from UTC today (about ...
Daniel A. White's user avatar
-5 votes
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Unexpected reputation changes, fixed after refreshing page

I was on a page and my reputation suddenly incremented by 10, and there was no notification at all. When I refreshed the page it went back to my accurate reputation. 3-4 days ago I had a +20 ...
Pavneet_Singh's user avatar