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-11 votes
1 answer

Can normal people suggest their own filter design? [closed]

Today we can see that there are many cool designs available for the user interface with some people's names. For example, "Bookface by Tom" and so on. Are they staff or moderators or just ...
Python learner's user avatar
46 votes
4 answers

How do I disable Stack Overflow Filters (the April Fools themes)? [closed]

I just logged on to Stack Overflow, and there was a message introducing filters. But for some reason I didn't think and reloaded the page, and then there was no filters menu. I also looked in settings,...
user avatar
52 votes
0 answers

Frisa Lank: The most readable Stack Overflow yet! [duplicate]

Many thanks to whomever designed the "Frisa Lank" April Fool's Day theme for Stack Overflow! It's by far the most readable and usable Stack Overflow CSS update I've seen yet! Nice contrast....
Brad's user avatar
  • 163k
-3 votes
1 answer

Web page gets unacceptably laggy with Developer Console open [closed]

Without Dev console open, the firework appears at a rate of roughly 1 per frame. With F12 open... BOOM. I'm on 8th-gen Intel Core i7 (6 cores, 12 threads) and integrated graphics, the specs shouldn'...
iBug's user avatar
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