Linked Questions

101 votes
6 answers

How should one ask for clarification on a question if they can't yet comment? [duplicate]

As a new user (well new by reputation points standards), I sometimes run into limitations posed by the small amount of rep that I have, the most common being the ability to comment. According to Stack ...
Mark P.'s user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Why is a user with low reputation allowed to answer a question but not to comment the same? [duplicate]

If commenting to a question is also for asking more required data to answer it. Shouldn't a person allowed to answer, also be allowed to comment on the question?
Abey's user avatar
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-51 votes
1 answer

Why do I need 50 reputation to improve other people's answers when appropriate? [duplicate]

This is just ridiculous. I have been using Stack Overflow for quite some time and when I find an answer which I can extend or improve, I can't because I don't have enough points, and this system is ...
Momshad Dinuri Alvee's user avatar
-29 votes
3 answers

Why does Stack Overflow restrict almost any users activity without points? [duplicate]

I've been using Stack Overflow for a long time and constantly try to vote for my favorite answers to other people's questions, but for some reason Stack Overflow still limits my actions on the ...
KlayMen TV's user avatar
-18 votes
1 answer

Would it be possible to lower the amount of reputation that is required to comment? What is the process for changing this? [duplicate]

I joined Stack Overflow as a casual user, in order to vote on content, answer some questions that don't receive answers (which I am able to answer), and to comment where need be (such as when an ...
Dave F's user avatar
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-17 votes
1 answer

Does Stack Overflow having 50 reputation for commenting make sense? [duplicate]

Stack Overflow seems to frustrate me every time when it has the comment link, downvote buttons and when clicking, it gives the annoying "you don't have enough reputation". Why oh why? Why doesn't ...
user3893988's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Why is the answering threshold lower than the comment threshold? [duplicate]

Straight forward question. The threshold for commenting is higher than the threshold for answering. Why is that? In my mind, it makes sense for commenting to come before answering. (Or at least at the ...
user avatar
-10 votes
1 answer

Cannot comment, stuck below 50 reputation [duplicate]

I am down at 44 reputation, I have been stuck there for quite some time. I have asked questions and gotten no responses, and also answered some questions, with no real feedback. I am just trying to ...
tcoulson's user avatar
  • 624
-2 votes
1 answer

Why is the necessary amount of rep for comments everywhere set to 50 [duplicate]

I was just wondering why we need 50 rep to be able to comment everywhere. I mean it does cause problems. If I have an intuition on how to answer a problem or I want to ask for more info on the user's ...
LBes's user avatar
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-9 votes
1 answer

post a comment vs. low reputation [duplicate]

Why do we need some reputation to post a comment? It's very hard to ask for any additional information of someone who posted an answer; and if you put your question in another answer, other users ...
Chilll007's user avatar
  • 612
-10 votes
1 answer

Reputation system seems unfair [duplicate]

Why must I gain reputation before I can comment? I'd like to be pro active and help people out who have unanswered questions. But many need clarification before I can give an appropriate answer. I ...
Justin's user avatar
  • 24
-11 votes
1 answer

Why can't low rep users post comments until they have 50 rep? [duplicate]

I am trying to post a comment on a question asked by a user to get clarity, but because (ATM) I have only 8 rep, I am unable to as it says I need 50. What is the purpose of this? I want to be able to ...
user avatar
-26 votes
2 answers

Give a suggestion on Stack Overflow, not an answer [duplicate]

Stack Overflow is a nice place to get answers/give answers. At this point I see people's reputation points removed, because they didn't answer the question. Now I'm at the point were the answer ...
davejal's user avatar
  • 6,073
-1 votes
2 answers

Why can't I post any replies here? [duplicate]

I want to help out people with their problems and I can't post comments.. "You're not meeting the right requirements to perform this action"
ZIMRO's user avatar
  • 49
2 votes
0 answers

Restriction on Commenting [duplicate]

Why is there a 50+ reputation requirement for commenting on someone's question. I use Stack Overflow a lot both at work and at home, but rarely need to ask my own question since there are so many pre-...
MikeS159's user avatar
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