Just to be clear: it is perfectly possible for a question to be on-topic on more than one site. And there is not necessarily a single correct site for a question.
For example, I can imagine a single TeX-related question to be simultaneously on-topic on Ask Ubuntu, Unix.SE, SuperUser, Stack Overflow, and TeX.
If a question is on-topic on multiple sites, the site on which to post the question depends on:
- Where the experts are and
- what kinds of answers you are looking for.
In the case of TeX, I think there is a very clear "best" site, namely the TeX site.
However, there are other topics where the decision is not that clear, and might depend on what kind of answer you are looking for. For example, shell scripting questions typically get very simple "Here's the code you were asking for" answers on Super User, whereas on Unix.SE, answers might delve into the various historic incompatibilities between shells, and on Stack Overflow, you might get a concise solution using the latest modern shell features.
And, this might be an unpopular opinion, I believe, you can ask a question on multiple sites simultaneously, provided you specifically tailor the question to each site's audience. See the last paragraph of the canonical answer to Is cross-posting a question on multiple Stack Exchange sites permitted if the question is on-topic for each site? on Meta.SE.