I want to collect properties of deleted posts not disclosed by the SEDE, but available as 10k privilege. My method would be to generate a random sample of post Ids (by SEDE queries) and then using scripts to download the content (by logging in the site with my browser and then using my ordinary session cookie (acct=...
) also in the script).
However, to my best knowledge, SE content rules at least dislike automatized site grabbing, so I do not want to do that.
However, I think, the purpose of these rules is to prevent (or to harden) data fishing or server overloads. My goal is to use the grabbed data in meta/chat discussions and I have absolutely no intent to grab anything without permission. But I have no way to prove it.
What can I do? Is it allowed or not? How far can I go?
Can I download 100 deleted question pages by a script? Can I do 10000? Or how much?
P.s. I never did such things until now and won't ever do if it is not allowed.