Recently, I've noticed a recurring issue when searching. I will try searching a couple of keywords, but when the search results are shown, the keywords are turned into tags. Coincidentally, it happened again as I was trying to find answers before asking. The entered key-phrase, search scope, was turned into [search] [scope].
I have been using this search and have never noticed issues until recently. I can't help but think that it will only get worse as the site grows, as the core of the issue seems to be the number of existing tags. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining about the tag system. I think it is a great feature which was superbly implemented, and which is constantly being maintained and made better by the diligent and hard-working members of our community.
What I meant was, as software development advances, technologies blossom, and new libraries are created, the number of legitimate tags is guaranteed to keep growing.
I also have no problem whatsoever with the auto-tagging feature. In most situations it is helpful. The only time that I have noticed the results being negatively impacted is when an unpopular tag gets auto-tagged. Maybe increasing the chances of auto-tag for more popular tags is a possible solution? (This isn't the main question, just a thought.)
In this light, I was hoping to find (or, if needed, request) a way to toggle the auto-tagging feature on and off. (BTW if someone could comment on the actual name of this feature, I will update the post - I searched for it, but without results.) I spent some time yesterday looking for info on search configuration, but I couldn't find anything on auto-tagging. I then spent about an hour and a half reading through old research, but I couldn't even find the feature's name (which is likely why I didn't find much else.)
So is it possible to toggle the auto search on and off for those situations where it hinders my results? If it is not, could it be added as a feature?